Beautifying a kitchen and making it functional and practical are different things. Installing granite kitchen countertops offer the best of both worlds – the aesthetics become stunning and there are many practical benefits of granite. In this guide, we will be taking you through all such benefits that have made granite the king of countertops and kitchen backsplashes. Dive in!
Granite Stuns with the Exclusivity
Did you know that no two pieces of any natural stone are the same? That’s the beauty of granite too. The countertop that you’ll have in your kitchen will be only yours. There can never be another piece that’s similar to yours. Period!
The Variety is Breathtaking
If you think that the variety in terms of colors and shades would be limited since granite is a natural stone, then, you’re wrong. The colors, patterns, and shades that granite comes in are spellbinding.
The wonderful variety of elegant granite countertops like the Granite au Sommet countertops that’s just a glimpse of variety available at this showroom is as follows.
- Blue Pearl
- Black Pearl
- Titanium
- Fantasy Brown
- Bianco Antico
- Ornamental Giallo
- Colonial Gold
- Santa Cecilia
- Brunello
- Tan Brown
- Ubatuba
Granite can Last Forever
If you’ve always wanted a forever countertop for your kitchen, granite could be the ideal companion because of the following reasons.
- It will never go out of trend.
- The countertop you have will also be one-of-a-kind.
- It could be the perfect heritage that you can pass from generation to generation.
Granite is an Embodiment of Hygiene
Now we’re talking about the practical benefits of granite. Granite has to be sealed properly and sealed granite is an absolute winner.
- It is waterproof.
- Since it doesn’t absorb stains (being waterproof), it doesn’t catch germs or bacteria.
- Being the stone that it is, sealed granite is super tough and scratch-resistant.
- Don’t worry about the minor vinegar and wine spills since granite is abrasion-resistant.
Granite is a Cool Stone
Heat and pressure for centuries convert lava into what we call granite. What other stone can resist heat better than lava? Well, the answer is none. Granite is highly heat resistant. Its surface is naturally cool. That’s the reason why granite is the first choice of chefs.
Granite is a zero-maintenance Stone
We are not fluffing. All that you have to do is get it resealed once every 2-3 years, and that’s all. Granite doesn’t require any special cleaning at all. Water and clean cloth are enough to take away everything you’ve spilled on the surface.
So, it isn’t an exaggeration when someone suggests that granite is money earned, not money spent. Having it installed can be the best house renovation decision for all homeowners.