Being involved in a truck accident can be devastating. Commercial vehicles can cause lots of damage, and you need to know how to react if you are involved in the case. These accidents are very complex and can involve various parties and factors; therefore, you should seek help from Ontario commercial vehicle accident lawyer.
If you met with a truck accident and were lucky enough to walk away with slight injuries, you need to know some crucial steps to help you with the aftermath.
What steps should you take after a commercial vehicle accident?
The first step is to check the condition of yourself and your passengers and then check other vehicles involved in the crash.
- Call the police right away.
If you are involved in commercial vehicle accidents, call 911 right away. If the accident has occurred on the highway, the dispatcher will route your call to the local enforcement agency. Tell them your exact location and the number of people involved in the accident so that they can send ambulances if needed.
- Seek medical help.
It is essential to seek medical help after an accident, even if you are injured or not, because your adrenaline rush can prevent you from feeling any pain at that moment. If you cannot receive proper medical treatment after the accident, visit the doctor as soon as possible and get yourself checked.
- Do not leave the crash scene and report the crash.
Do not leave the crash scene if you are involved in the accident. Remove your car from the road and check that you and your passengers are safe. It would be best if you turned on your hazard light and put cones around your vehicle so that other drivers could notice the accident. In this way, you can prevent any more accidents.
- Document the accident.
Take necessary photos of the crash scenes that might help you later. You can use the images to prove who was at fault, the amount of damage caused to your vehicle, the severity of injuries, and any other information. You should also click photos of your own and passengers’ injuries. You can record your injury recovery by clicking pictures and making it a journal, which will help you specify the amount of compensation you can receive.
- Get your vehicle evaluated for the insurance claim.
Your car may have minor damages, but you cannot see the internal damages just like the human body. You should not go to your neighbor’s local shop for repair because many parts of your car cover your insurance claim. Every insurance company has its own and different policy to pay for your damages.