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An internet connection to download the tool and the Windows 10 image. Internet service provider fees may apply. Sufficient data storage available on the computer you are clean installing. Note that the download and image is over 3GB. Check these things on the PC where you want to clean install Windows Feb 27, · However, Microsoft officially discontinued the distribution of Windows 10 for free. Yes, you can grab a free copy of the Windows 10 ISO file from the web, but that won’t receive any future updates; if you are interested in grabbing a free copy of the Windows 10 operating system, continuing reading the ted Reading Time: 6 mins. After upgrading to Windows 10, you need to download Facebook for Windows 10 to get the most out of your Facebook account. Though some loved the look of Windows 8, the operating system had so many problems that Microsoft released a number of updates before recommending that users switch to the Windows 10 operating system instead/5.
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