Swimming Pool Maintenance – Quick Guide

Swimming Pool Maintenance – Quick Guide

The pool in its garden is a good experience. You can relax, have fun with the kids and enjoy the sun most of the year. While the pools are mainly used for fun and relaxation, some owners use them to add value to their property. Of course, if you plan to add value to your home, installing a pool is a safe investment.

Apart from the cost of Swimming Pool Installation, you will also need to think about the cost of maintenance. Before proceeding with a pool’s installation, you should have at least basic knowledge of everything related to pools and their maintenance.


Disinfecting your pool will protect it from bacteria. You will need chemical chlorine to disinfect the pool. Together with other organic elements killed by chlorine, Bacteria are removed from the pool through a filtration system. Several types of chlorine are available on the market. But the active ingredient in each type is the same, no matter which brand you choose.

When adding chlorine to the pool, do not pour it into the water or put chlorine tablets in a container to collect liquid. You will need a floating chlorine dispenser or an automatic chemical dispenser to disperse the chlorine in the water. If you throw it into the water, it can affect the pool water’s circulation and your filtration system.

An additional option would be to use bromine. Like chlorine, it can also kill bacteria and other debris in your pool. Bromine is commonly used to disinfect spas and hot tubs. The main advantage of choosing bromine is that it is less irritating to the eyes and skin. However, the smell of chemical bromine is more challenging to remove.

Swimming Pool Installation

Shocking Your Swimming Pool

Repeatedly shocking the pool can remove debris and dirt. Shocking means you’re burning trash and eventually replenishing the pool’s chlorine levels. Shaking the water will eliminate the pungent chlorine odor while making it easier to remove waste from the filter and pump pool.


Green algae are one of the most common problems for pool owners. Algae growth most often occurs when the chlorine level in the pool is not maintained correctly. Green algae are immediately killed at a chlorine concentration of 1 ppm or more. Another way to remove green algae is to clean the pool walls at least once a week.

Pump and filter problems

Any pump that has a service life of more than 7-8 years needs to be replaced. The new pumps are maintenance-free like the old models. The newer models are also more energy-efficient and can handle more water. Besides the pump, you also need to keep an eye on the pressure gauge. You will need a pressure gauge to see if the water pressure is at an average level. A defective gauge does not indicate unnecessary high pressure in the pump and filter.

Maintaining a pool usually takes time and effort. Besides, it will be more challenging to clean the pool during a storm. This is what you need to consider when purchasing a pool table. It is good to have a pool in your own home if you keep it in good condition.