Score High In NEET 2021 With These Simple Tips 

Preparation for any competitive exam can always be challenging. Scoring high here becomes a must to enter into the college of your choice. And if it is NEET in question, which is the toughest medical exam in the country, a planned targeted study is inevitable. 

It is more often seen that students often succumb to the exam stress as a result of the fear of underperforming in spite of regular practise sessions and tests. Consequently, you need strategies which will  not only help you curb the stress but assists in scoring high at NEET 2021. Many times, the simple and basic pointers are subdued. This article draws your attention towards such underrated aspects. Explore the plan in detail here.   

Simple Tips To Score High In NEET 2021

1. Master what you are good at

Every student has a favourite subject, a pick over others. Strengthen in this facet. Practise and master all topics to be able to answer any type of question asked on them. Coming to the less-favourite subjects, cover their syllabus as well. Combination of both, can be a rewarding tactic. 

2. Effective utilization of time

In competitive tests, if you have mastered the skill of time management, then half the battle is won. Knowing questions to all answers is pointless if you have no more time left to attempt them. Hence, it is always suggested to effectively manage time right from the first minute. 

  • Go ahead and solve questions which you are sure of 
  • Skip the time-consuming and complex questions. Attempt them later 
  • Attempt the least-time consuming section first, start with Chemistry or Biology
  • Once you have answered all questions, skim through the paper and attempt the skipped ones

3. Let your study schedule be shorter 

Avoid studying for longer hours if you aim at excelling. Include timely breaks rather than going for marathon sessions. The downside of these sessions is that they can exhaust you and saturate your brain, leaving you restless. Studying for 2 hours, include a 10-15 minutes break and then back to studying.

  1. Plan well in advance 

Before you make up your mind to study, plan accordingly. What, when and how to study must be well-planned. All this must be done in advance, for instance how much and what topics you are going to revise the next day. This immensely helps.  

5. Revision must be allotted enough time 

After having studied topics, ensure to schedule revision sessions, as many as possible. Care must be taken to have revised the syllabus at least 2-3 times before attempting the paper. 

6. Be an early bird 

Studying in the early hours of the day, precisely the challenging topics, can charge you up for the whole day of preparation. Have a good night’s sleep and wake up fresh and cover all things important. 

7. Refrain from studying at odd times 

Avoid studying at times when you are the least active or not in the best of spirits. It is suggested to take a break in such instances as studying with such a mindset is a waste of time. Tired, sleepy or exhausted, avoid learning in these times. Glance over your NEET notes prepared for quick and effective learning if you do not want to let go of time on such days. 

These were some simple tips which you already are aware of but do not pay as much attention as it requires. This article was focussed on emphasizing its importance. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel for more.