Download robocopy gui for free (Windows)

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You just have to specify the source and destination path to mirror files and folders first and then specify the other additional command line parameters. Just configure it for the mirroring task you want to execute and then save the settings to a file for later use. Simply download this software and run it right away to start mirroring desired folders on the go.

Specify the source and destination folders in the software on the upper section and then configure the other additional options in the software. After configuring all the option, you can start the mirroring job. It offers you a very simple interface with all the necessary options to mirror files and folders using the built-in RoboCopy tool of Windows.

Here you can create multiple jobs corresponding to different mirroring tasks and save them. Also, not only save, but it also allows you to export the command for specific job that you have saved in it as a CMD file. In each task, you have to specify a source folder, a destination folder, and additional command line options and switches. In the end save the job, run it and then use it whenever you want.

Simply download this software from above and then start using it to mirror files and folders in Windows. Create job in it by giving it name and then specify the corresponding options. Enter the source and destination directory path and then specify the command line argument for the command.

After all set, save the job and then run it. Use the Save button from the toolbar at middle of the software to do that. Just like all the other software that I have mentioned in above list, you can use it in the same way and mirror folders and files on the go. It allows you to specify a source folder to copy files from and put them in a destination folder by keeping the files and folder structure same. Along with the mirroring command, you can specify other additional switches in it to start the mirroring operation.

It allows you to save the configuration for the current job to a file that you can use later for making the same mirroring operation. You can get the executable file of this software from the above link and then launch it. You can then install this software from the setup file and then run it. It has very simple interface. On the first widow, specify the source and destination directories. After that, move to the next tab and specify the command line switches to be used for the mirroring operations.

At last, click on the Run button to start the mirroring operation and then it will copy all the files from source to destination. Additionally, you can save the current configuration as a script easily.

You just have to create specify what you want to do and then run the robocopy command accordingly. Most of these software are portable and you can keep them in a flash drive and carry them wherever you go. By Mohammad Suleman on August 3, Featured.

Editor Ratings:. All In One Tweaks. Back Up. Covert Ops. Internet Tools. Linux Distros. MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks. System Tools. Smart Defrag. Snappy Driver Installer. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. Sergei Strelec’s WinPE.

Easy RoboCopy 1. Booo 2. Not Geeky 3. Average 4.



Download Easy RoboCopy – MajorGeeks – Other Useful Business Software


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5 Free Robocopy GUI for Windows

Simply download this software and run it right away to start mirroring desired folders on the go. Some posts are auto-moderated to reduce spam, including links and swear words.