Missing teeth can have detrimental effects on your oral health if left untreated. They can cause your teeth to shift, leading to plaque build-up, gum diseases or infections, and further tooth loss. However, there are plenty of options for replacing missing teeth, with Dental Implants Jasper being one of them. This option offers a long-lasting solution for tooth replacement and helps you improve your oral health. Before the procedure, the specialist can explain the process to you in detail to help you understand what it entails. Doing so can help ease your dental anxiety, a common occurrence among most people undergoing a major dental procedure. Learn more about the common steps involved during a dental implant procedure.
- Preparation
The first dental implant procedure involves planning and preparation. Your doctor conducts a thorough dental examination to determine the number of teeth that need replacement and the condition of your jawbone. These factors will help outline the best dental implants tailored to your needs. The preparation process can also help prevent further complications during and after dental implant surgery.
- Placement of the Dental Implant Post
The second step involves placing the dental implant post on your jawbone. Your dentist might place it during a single appointment, or they can store it for an additional fee and reinstall it later.
When placing the implant, your doctor injects you with local anesthesia to prevent pain. You can take several months to heal and your post to fuse to your bone after placement. The entire dental implant process might take months to complete. This is because healing and the growth of new bone in your jaw take time.
- Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is an optional step recommended by your dentist if your jawbone is weak or too soft to support the post. This process creates a sturdy support for your dental implant. Several natural and synthetic bone graft materials can help support your dental implant. Talk to your doctor to determine which options might be right for you. It can take several months for your bone graft to be effective. However, it primarily depends on the type of bone graft and the condition of your jawbone.
- Placement of the Abutment
The abutment is the part of your implant that attaches to your natural tooth. Your dentist uses local anesthesia to expose your dental implant by reopening your gum tissue. This step helps to attach or place the abutment on your dental implant. Afterward, they close our gum tissue before placing the prosthetic tooth. However, your gums need to heal completely before your doctor attaches the artificial tooth, which can take approximately two weeks or more.
- Attaching the Artificial Tooth
After placing the abutment, your dentist recommends a prosthetic tooth perfect for you. However, they will need to thoroughly examine your mouth and the remaining teeth to make the crown. Your dentist will ensure that the color of your artificial tooth complements and functions like your natural teeth. During this process, you can choose the type of artificial tooth you want. They can be removable, fixed, or a combination of both.
Dental implants have massive benefits for missing teeth. They offer a more permanent and strongest tooth replacement option, prevent bone deterioration and stimulate your jawbone. Consider a dental implant procedure if you want a more natural smile after losing your teeth. However, you will need to confirm your eligibility from your dentist before undergoing this procedure.