What Are The Export Import Tariffs and Regulations between Canada and Australia?

International trade along with import and export rules, regulations, tariffs etc. are subject to constant changing often without notice. It is normally advised to the exporters or importers to directly check with the Canada Border Service Agency for the latest updates on the tariffs and regulations. The Government of Canada categorises goods that are imported as per the HS or Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System. The tariff system can be further appealed to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal. Contact Clearit customs brokerage for a detail consultation and assistance for your business in Canada.

It is the responsibilities of the importers to provide correct details of their goods so that the classifications can be done correctly without any complications. The goods imported from Australia comes under the category and regulation of MFN or Most Favoured Nation. However, there are some preferential tariffs are there specifically for Australia under the CANATA i.e. Canada-Australia Tariff Agreement.

In order to get maximum tariff benefits, you have to meet direct shipment conditions and appropriate certifications of your goods. Similarly, the country of origin of your product is also an important factor to ensure optimum tariff benefits. You must comply with these regulations strictly to avoid refusal of your goods for entry. Normally, tariffs are fixed on the freight on board or FOB of your goods in the exporting country. Besides the duty, your goods are subject to GST or Goods and Services Tax which are levied in the customs during importation.

In most cases, permits or license is not required for importation of many goods. But some products are restricted or quota and need a permit to import into Canada. These products are basically agricultural products, clothing and textiles, firearms and steel. The Canadian Government has also a regulatory system to check with the chicken, dairy, turkey and egg products. These products are regulated for price and supply, production quota, and import-related tariff-rate quota.

Many territories in Canada have restrictions on the sales of alcoholic beverages namely beer, spirit and wine. These provinces have their own liquor control boards who are the authorised retailers and importers of alcoholic beverages into the territories. As far as product certification, packaging and labelling are concerned, the Standard Council of Canada is the concerned authority to advise what type testing has to be carried out and who are the accredited organisations to carry out the testing and certification. There are two organizations namely CSA International and ULC who normally carry out the testing and provide the certification in Canada.