For those who are looking for instant cash for their immediate monetary needs, going for loan is possibly the best option for you. However, what kind of loan you should go for? Car pledging is one feasible option for you which costs less than personal loans and credit card advances and you can easily avail it without any need of credit history.
So, why not go for car loan and get rid of your financial issues on an immediate basis.
Life is full of problems and uncertainties. There are times when you need quick access to a considerable amount of cash but you don’t have any idea where to raise it from in such a short notice. Plus, if you are already under a situation of paying several loans, unforeseen cash requirements may really prove to be a worrisome situation for you. Often people are caught in the burden of loans try to resolve their primary monetary issues by taking loans against their cars.
Whether you choose banking or non-banking institutes, both are ready to offer loans against cars to people as they are secured loans. You don’t have to be an existing customer of the specific bank you have chosen to avail this service from one. It means that the borrower just needs to approach any bank with this scheme, pledge their vehicle and get the desired fund. Though it is not an advertised loan, a lot of banks and financial institutions are ready to offer loan against cars for new as well as used cars.
This kind of loan is also called car overdraft service and can be compared to going for a persona loan. Just like personal loans are available for any purpose and you have no restriction to use the money raised via this loan. The car pledge loan is also a form of secured loan and can be availed for any purpose without being answerable to anyone and the best part is that the interest rates are lower in comparison to the personal loan interest rates. And speaking about the loan amount, ones the pledging company or bank witness the condition of your car, evaluate its price, they pay you with immediate cash.
Mainly, you get around 85 to 90% of the value of the car as cash in your account and the loan has to be repaid in 3 years. So, if you are looking for car pledging service to pledge your car in Thailand, then you should immediately contact Pledge Express. The online portal is your one stop solution for all types of pledging services. You can opt for car pledge [รับจํานํารถ, which is the term in Thai] and get the best value for your car at highly low interest rates.
So, without thinking anymore, just contact the consultant and speak to them about your pledging needs and they will be happy to help you and provide you with immediate cash to help you fiscal problems on priority basis in exchange for your car.