Direct Mail Impressions Matter

How many impressions does it take before a prospect decides to purchase a product or service? Well on average, it can take 7 to 10 impressions. This is why smart marketers don’t use a “one and done” approach when it comes to direct mail and other forms of marketing. This is because Direct Mail marketing is a marathon, and not a race.

Ideally, your marketing campaign should have ads that are engaging with prospective customers across multiple online and offline vehicles. You want to try and reach them from the mailbox to the smart phone. Your products, services, and brand needs visibility, and with consistent market exposure you can start to convert prospects into paying customers and hopefully repeat customers.

A healthy marketing mix should consist of direct mail, email, social media, and local publications that can help to build trust and credibility among prospects, and increase the likelihood of “winning” the sale once the prospect decides to transact.

Key Benefits of Multiple Impression Direct Mail:
1. Defines your company/product/service to each prospect
2. Creates deeper, more personal impressions
3. Increases the authority and credibility of your brand
4. Gives prospects a reason to contact you (coupons, etc)
5. Delivers your offer “solo” without competitors
6. Shows prospects how you can help them

Contact Us:

At Dynamicard, we create professional-looking mailers, complete with your own logo. We feature high-value content to get the best reach possible for prospective clients. Our mailers are fully customizable and allow you to connect with your community. This customization makes our mailers even more informative and effective. The possibilities are endless! Mailers can advertise new membership services, provide coupons or even show off new facilities! Direct Mail Marketing is a powerful way to build and maintain your client base.

If you’d like to find out more information about how your business can benefit from direct mailer, or if you have any additional questions you’d like to discuss with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact us today.