Beneficial Resources to Succeed In UPSC

You all must know that the UPSC exam is not a child’s play. It is challenging but not impossible, provided you follow the suitable study materials. What makes things complicated is when you do not get the appropriate study materials at hand. It is true that after the evolution of the internet, candidates can fetch a lot of study materials there. But, again, there arises a question – which ones to study and which ones to discard? To know the answer to this question, you can join the best IAS coaching in Delhi

If you do not have adequate time to join an offline class, you can register in one of the best online IAS coaching classes. Being a UPSC candidate, you need to understand two things – first, the UPSC syllabus in itself is enormous. Second, there is no need to study anything unnecessary. Given below are some beneficial resources that you can make use of to succeed in the UPSC: 


  • Start with the NCERT books and IGNOU books 


One of the basic requirements for UPSC preparations is following the NCERT books. First, start with the NCERT books and then proceed with the IGNOU books. The NCERT books cover all the essential topics you have already read in school from standard 6 to 12. Reading the NCERT books will help you have a clear idea about the basic concepts. Once the idea about the topics is clear, you can move on to the IGNOU books. 


  • Reading newspapers 


One of the essential portions of the UPSC exam lies in reading the newspaper daily. Many of you may not prefer reading the newspaper. But if you want to crack the UPSC exam, you have to make reading the newspaper a daily habit. A vital portion of the UPSC exam is current affairs. If you have to ace the current affairs, gather recent information by reading the newspaper. Two of the most prominent newspapers that you can follow is The Hindu and The Indian Express. When reading the newspaper, write short notes to go through them later when the exam arrives. 


  • Essential magazines to read 


If you want to prepare for UPSC religiously, only relying on the books is not enough. Since the examination itself is very competitive, you have to arm yourself with proper knowledge and strategies. In such a case, some magazines can be your saviour. There are three great magazines that all UPSC aspirants can follow – the Yojana, the Kurukshetra and the Science Reporter. Reading these magazines can help you write better answers. In UPSC, you have to know to write answers critically. Reading the named magazines means knowing the opinions, which you can incorporate in your answers. Moreover, since the government publishes these magazines, you can get authentic information about the government. 


  • TV programs  


Besides the materials you can refer to as stated above, a UPSC candidate can also learn from some television programs. Some of the UPSC candidates’ programs are Rajya Sabha TV, discussions conducted in All India Radio, PRS India and Press Information Bureau. All UPSC candidates should vehemently follow the websites of all these programs. 


Besides the resources for the UPSC exam mentioned above, you can join an online or offline IAS coaching centre to gather valuable study materials for better preparation. When choosing a UPSC coaching centre, make sure they provide the necessary study materials of value. Specially enquiry about essay test series, it is an important part of your preparation, and some coaching don’t provide guidance for this paper. 

Remember, not all organizations offer good resources for UPSC. The best would be to prepare notes by adding some extra materials into the study materials that you get from the IAS coaching centres.